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Paul Coughlin, MD

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Practicing Specialties


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Conditions and Treatments

Artificial SphincterBladder CancerBladder Neck ContractureBladder SlingBladder StonesBotulinum Toxin (Botox)Buried PenisBuried Penis RepairCancer SurgeryCircumcision (Adult)Cyberwand™ Ultrasonic LithotripsyEjaculation DisorderElevated PSAEnlarged ProstateErectile DysfunctionFemale Urinary IncontinenceFistulaHamatospermiaHematuria (Adult)HerniaHydrocele (Adult)HydrocelectomyHypogonadismInterstitial Cystyisit/Painful Bladder SyndromeKidney CancerKidney Stones (Adult)Laser Vaporation for Enlarged ProstateLithotripsyLow TestosteroneMale IncontinenceMale InfertilityMale SlingMeshOveractive BladderPartial NephrectomyPelvic Floor DysfunctionPelvic Organ ProlapsePelvic Organ/Floor ProlapsePenectomyPenile CancerPenile Curvature CorrectionPenile Implant/ProsthesisPercutaneous Stone Extraction/NephrolithotomyPeyronie's DiseasePhimosisProstate CancerProstate Cancer SurgeryStone Disease/ObstructionTesticular CancerTesticular PainTransurethral ResectionUreteral Repair/ReimplantUreteral StrictureUrethral CancerUrethral DiverticulumUrethral StrictureUrethroplastyUrinary Tract Infection/InflammationUrolift™ DeviceVagina PessariesVaginal SlingVaricocele (Adult)VariococelectomyVasectomyVasectomy Reversal

Ratings and Reviews

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34 patient reviews

Dr.Coughlin is great and caring doctor! I trust him completely and his staff is amazing and very knowledgeable!

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

He the best doctor

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

Dr.Coughlin is the ONLY doctor I have that I trust, and with whom you are not just a number as with all doctors today. I know others who feel the same. In addition his expertise is unmatched! He is such a blessing to all of his patients, and I am so fortunate to have been referred to him all those years ago! God bless you Dr. Coughlin for all you do for us!

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

Nothing but the wait was to long I was there from 330 to 510 that is to long for a appointment to see a doctor

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

I have known Dr. Coughlin ever since he came to High Point! Paul is one of the best doctors I have had the fortune of treating my kidney disease! He has always been there, day or night when I have a stone attack. I've had multiple stents and lithotripsy procedures over the years. He is so good to my family!

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

This experience, from the making of the appointment to the visit itself, was well beyond my expectations in a positive way.

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

Always listens and addresses any issues. Staff very great and caring.

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

Long wait to see the doctor.

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

26 yrs as Paul Coughlins bladder Cancer patient. Great Doctor!

| Atrium Health Verified Patient

He listened to everything that I said about my condition, asked questions and answered my questions. He was very thorough in explaining the treatment that he prescribed.

| Atrium Health Verified Patient



Board Certifications

American Board of Urology


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, MD, 1978
